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There's so much exciting and interesting topics to cover as a Coeliac. Sign up below.

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Gluten Free Crew Newsletter

"There is (nearly) always an alternative option to eating something with gluten in it today - you might just have to look a bit harder for the option to start with, but life will get easier and you WILL start to feel better."

This six week course is coming your way soon.

Here's a taster of what will be included:

  1. Understanding gluten and coeliac disease: the basics of gluten, what it is, and how it affects people with coeliac disease.

  2. Identifying gluten-free foods: a comprehensive list of gluten-free foods, including grains, fruits, vegetables, dairy and more.

  3. Reading labels and ingredient lists: guidelines for identifying gluten in ingredient lists and product labels, as well as what to look for in terms of cross-contamination.

  4. Preparing gluten-free meals: tips and tricks for cooking and baking gluten-free, including alternative flours and thickeners, gluten-free recipes, and more.

  5. Eating out safely: advice on eating at restaurants and other food establishments, including how to communicate with servers and chefs about gluten-free requirements.

  6. Living a gluten-free lifestyle: practical advice for navigating social events, travel, and other aspects of daily life, as well as tips for staying healthy and managing symptoms.

  7. Staying up-to-date on the latest research: information on the latest advances in gluten-free research and products.

Queenstown, New Zealand